Princeton Named to Main Street New Jersey Program

TRENTON, NJ – November, 21, 2024: Experience Princeton is thrilled to celebrate Princeton's designation as a new member community of the Main Street New Jersey (MSNJ) program.

The MSNJ program, an initiative aimed at encouraging and supporting the revitalization of downtown business districts throughout the state, welcomed downtown districts in Princeton (Mercer County), Plainfield (Union County), Millburn (Essex County), and Haddonfield (Camden County) in a Nov. 21 announcement by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
“We are incredibly excited to announce four new MSNJ districts and look forward to assisting these communities as part of the MSNJ program,” said DCA Commissioner Jacquelyn A. Suárez. “The MSNJ designation focuses on developing partnerships between local small business owners, entrepreneurs, and communities to foster public and private reinvestment in their historic New Jersey downtowns.”
Experience Princeton, a nonprofit organization founded in 2022 as a Special Improvement District (SID) dedicated to strengthening and promoting the Princeton business community, is honored that Princeton is now part of the program.
“We are gratified that the Main Street New Jersey program and the NJ Department of Community Affairs has recognized the need to support the iconic “Main Street” community Princeton is the hometown of over 700 businesses and the beating heart of Central New Jersey attracting over 2 million visitors a year.”
— Aubrey Haines, board president of Experience Princeton and CEO of Princeton Property Partners.
The MSNJ designation allows communities to receive on- and off-site technical assistance and training in downtown revitalization and management. MSNJ communities can also apply for grant opportunities to assist with physical improvement projects, operational support, and the development and implementation of transformation strategies in their designated districts to the extent funding is available.

“What a great honor it is to be recognized as a Main Street community," said Michelle Pirone Lambros, Experience Princeton boardmember and Princeton councilmember. "Situated in the heart of Central New Jersey, Princeton is a major draw for visitors to our town from both nearby towns and throughout the world. Experience Princeton is one of the largest special improvement districts in the state covering the entire municipality. This Main Street designation is vital to growth and sustainability of our still young organization.”
Experience Princeton Executive Director Isaac Kremer said, “Over the last two years more than 50 volunteers have worked tirelessly to create a flourishing Princeton economy and to offer exceptional experiences for residents and visitors. We thank Governor Murphy, DCA Commissioner Jacquelyn A. Suárez, MSNJ State Coordinator Gina Fischetti, and Main Street America for their belief in the ability of our organization to achieve results."
The four newly-designated districts brings the total number of MSNJ districts to 29. Since the program’s inception in 1989, there has been more than $1 billion in public-private investment in Main Street designated communities, with a net gain of 1,500 new and expanded businesses and a net increase of 6,680 jobs. Between 1997 and 2022, residents, merchants, and property owners donated nearly $10 million in volunteer wage time to support their local Main Street program.
For further information on the Main Street New Jersey Program and its participating communities, please visit:
For more about this announcement, please visit:
For more on what the MSNJ designation means to Experience Princeton, read this explainer.
Experience Princeton is a volunteer-based, nonprofit organization founded in 2022 that aims to shape, maintain and grow a flourishing Princeton economy by offering exceptional experiences for residents and visitors. For more information Experience Princeton, contact Executive Director Isaac Kremer at or call 313-268-4356.